Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Count the code violations

. Tuesday, June 19, 2007

How many code violations do YOU see?


Unknown said...

1. wheel chair ramp is built incorrectly...too steep...supposed to be in a different shape.

2. supports under ramp.

3. are those electrical boxes by the top of the ramp? I think they're in the wrong location, I could be wrong.

4. above the door at the top of the ramp, whatever that rooftop unit is (HVAC?), wrong location for it.

5. Same unit as #4, structurally supported incorrectly for the pitch of the roof. At least I think so.

6. Going over to the other roof and HVAC unit...I'm questioning if it is too heavy for that roof.

7. should be an overhang above the entrance for ice/water etc.

8. questioning the other deck and the footers on the ramp.

Anonymous said...

1. Ramp appears to be too steep

2. Ramp appears to be too long without an intermediary landing.

3. Electrical boxes appear to not have proper clearance in front of them.

4. No prtection from weather over door.

5. I also believe that in commercial applications, the ramp is supposed to be protected from weather also.

6. There seems to be a plumbing vent stack too close to the intake of the Air handling unit

Boo said...

Good job everyone! To add some more that I noticed.

1. Railing needs to be provided since RTU is within 10 ft of roof.

2. I wonder if you're supposed to jump in the air to reach the disconnect switch for the RTU.