Friday, June 08, 2007

Intelligent Design in School

. Friday, June 08, 2007

It's scary to think that my school district here in Chesterfield County, Virginia would give Intelligent Design an iota of thought. Click here for full story. I don't think they will give it any serious consideration. I think they're just being nice to the segment of the public that believes in Intelligent Design and are hearing them out.

It's even more scary that some of the potential Republican presidential candidates believe in Creationism!

There's actually a museum dedicated to Intelligent Design. Here's a link to someone's field trip to the Creationist Museum in Petersburg, Kentucky. It makes me want to throw up. Apparently Adam and Eve used to get around the Garden of Eden riding a Triceratops! Here's a slideshow.

Some excerpts from the above link on Daily Kos:

There were posters explaining just how coal could be formed in a few weeks as opposed to over millions of years, and how rapidly the biblical flood would cover the earth, drowning all but a handful of living creatures. The flood plays a big part in the museum's attempt to explain away what we see as millions of years of natural processes. There was also an explanation as to why, with only one progenitor family, it wasn't considered incest for Adam and Eve's children to marry each other. Apparently there was less sin back then, and therefore fewer mutations in their DNA. Evidently sin, and not two copies of the same recessive trait, gives rise to congenital birth defects.