Wednesday, August 01, 2007

Engineering Tip #1: Waterless Trap Primers

. Wednesday, August 01, 2007

The Problem

The water seals in traps are needed to prevent sewer gases from entering buildings, but because this water is exposed to the air, it is subject to evaporation over time. Also, poor venting or windy conditions can cause water seals to be siphoned or blown out. A trap primer injects water, either directly or indirectly, to the trap to maintain the water seal indefinitely.

2003 IPC requires traps be protected from evaporation. Traditionally, this meant providing a trap primer. But as everyone knows, trap primers are a royal pain in the ass because of maintenance and repairs. They also waste a lot of water.

The Solution

The Trap Guard® sets watertight inside the drain and stays open when water is flowing but closes when the water stops. When the Trap Guard® is closed, it successfully resists any emission of sewer gas, even if that gas is under significant pressure. It uses a flexible tube made of a space age, Elastomeric TM material that is treated to roll up when water is not passing through but is flexible enough to open and permit water flow, from an intermittent drip to fire-hose type flows.

Trap Guard® is compliant with the Standard Plumbing Code and the International Plumbing Code Contact us at 800-262-5355 for code approval in your area. For additional information on testing for flow rating and durability, please click here.


  • Initial cost plus installation is much less expensive than alternative solutions.

  • It eliminates sewer gas emission and backup of raw sewage into living or working areas.

  • Trap Guard’s space-age, Elastomeric™ material has been proven in plumbing industry uses for forty years and has been used in non-plumbing critical applications for almost fifty years of continuous use without degradation.

  • Maintenance-free except for occasional flushing.

  • Successfully tested with common cleaning solutions and other chemicals.

  • Functions despite lodging of common debris (mop strings, food residue, etc.).

  • Resistant to lime scale and microbiological growth.

  • It eliminates the headaches of specifying and installing trap primers.

  • Eliminates the requirement to consider or specify a trap primer – with its associated costs

Click HERE for more FAQ.

Click HERE for more applications.

Click HERE to watch the product in action!!!