Yesterday was our first parent-teacher conference. We brought Boo Jr with us because both my wife and I wanted to attend the meeting. It worked out well having my son play on one side of the room while we talked on the other side of the room. The meeting was about what I expected with a couple pleasant surprises. My son is doing really well overall. He's made a lot of progress with his gross motor skills, especially on the playground. He still seems to lack some confidence with some pieces of equipment, but that will come with time. Boo Jr is also making great progress with his developmental issues. He still has some trouble answering open ended questions and retelling a story. But that's why he's going to his Speech classes once a week. Some proof that he's been making progress was when the teacher talked about how well my son does with Show and Share. The kids usually hide the item behind their back and give clues to other kids so they can guess the item. The teacher said that Boo Jr does such a good job giving out clues that she thought we rehearsed it with him (which we don't). So that was a pleasant surprise for me.
All the kids had PALS testing (Phonemic and Language Skills) a week or so ago and we learned about the results. Boo Jr got 95 out of a possible 102 points. The teacher was VERY happy with his results. The "acceptable" standard for the test is only 28. I think my wife doing the DISTAR program with my son has helped him immensely and is the reason why he tested so well. My son has always loved reading and has a great memory. He loves to write and spell too. He can correctly spell all 12 months of the year!
The teacher said that Boo Jr is making lots of friends, initiates play on the playground, and has been an absolute joy to have in her class. She also told us that Boo Jr received an award from the principal last week. Every week, the principal picks out an art project or homework example from each grade level that exemplifies good work and achievement. The principal had chosen one of Boo Jr's art projects (a scarecrow). The student gets their picture taken with the principal and it's all displayed in the main lobby.
Out polling place is in my son's school so we took the opportunity to vote before we left. Boo Jr was excited to get an "I Voted" sticker.
I'm Home!
9 years ago
Sounds like Boo Jr has made the adjustment to kindergarten just fine. This is about the time of year that a teacher likes to see the kids settling in too. He's making progress and showing growth. Good for little Boo!
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