Wednesday, September 03, 2008

First Day of School

. Wednesday, September 03, 2008

Yesterday was Boo Jr's first day of school. He started first grade this year. We were really excited that he has Mrs. Ferret for his teacher this year. It will be hard to top his Kindergarten teacher, Mrs. Gopher, from last year. I am SOOOO glad that school finally started because Boo Jr was getting to be pretty beligerant and uncooperative at home. He was really excited in the weeks leading up to the start of school was a little nervous yesterday morning.

As we normally do on Boo Jr's first day of school (even for preschool), I take time off from work so I can put him on the bus in the morning and take him off the bus in the afternoon. There were a lot more kids (and parents) at the bus stop this year. One girl is no longer at the stop because she moved on to middle school, but we picked up four new kids. I think there are now a total of eight kids at the bus stop. Being the first day of school, the bus was a little late. Actually, there was a fender bender that slowed the bus down and caused it to run late. Boo Jr ran right on the bus when it came and never looked back.

As is tradition, my wife and I went out to breakfast at IHOPS after putting Boo Jr on the bus. This year, my wife's friend, Romy Raccoon, came along too. My wife and she became friends during last school year, as she has a daughter about my son's age. After breakfast, I went to work.

It was soon 3:00 and time to head back home to meet my wife to pick up my son at the bus stop. The bus was really late dropping the kids off. It was getting pretty hot waiting for it as the temperatures were in the low 90s. Boo Jr was really excited to see us when he got off the bus. When I asked him how his day went, he immediately became sad and told me that he ran out of time during lunch and didn't drink his milk. That seemed to upset him for a while so we didn't press him on sharing his day. After a snack at home, he later opened up and shared his day with us.

Here's hoping for another successful school year!


It's you know who! said...

Aww, that's a very sweet picture of the two of you together. :)

It's you know who! said...

Oh, and I remember my daughter always saying that; she never had enough time to eat. I feel they should lengthen the lunch periods. Also, in high school, I ended up calling the school because they wouldn't let her leave to use the restroom, which is ridiculous. Do the young kids rooms have bathrooms in them for the little kids? I know my granddaughter's headstart did.

Those are my 2 complaints about school, lunch and bathroom breaks. Kids should have plenty of time for both as they are essential to good health.

Anonymous said...

Awwww, how cute. :-)

Yeah, lunch hour is slow. My son has a half hour. For the first 10 minutes this year they play soft music, and the kids are not supposed to talk while the music is on. For the last 20 minutes they can talk quietly, but they can't get out of their seats. My son keeps coming home with his grapes. He just doesn't seem to have time to eat his grapes! He does, however, eat all of his fluffernutter (he's insisting on fluffernutter every day for lunch!), he drinks his drink, and he always finishes his fig newtons that I give him for his 'working snack'. I guess they sit at their desks at eat snack while doing work.

Will your son be having tests this year? Mine will. He has his first spelling test this Friday! And he's been studying! Yesterday afternoon when he got him he went right to work and did his homework. He had one worksheet to do, and he had to read, and he had to work on his spelling words. I don't remember having homework in 1st grade! It's not bad, though.

Anonymous said...

cute, boo!

I walked with my firstborn to high school this week. I didn't expect to feel that tug @ my heartstrings, but I did. Time marches on.


Mohawk Chieftain said...

Boo, Jr. is still a cute little guy. Boo, Sr. could take a few hair care tips from him....