I've come to the realization that I'm getting OLD!!! Here are some random observations to support that belief.
- You don't lose hair and grow bald. The hair just grows in other places like your ears.
- When I see a group of teenagers hanging out, I think about what trouble those young punks are up to.
- I look at the way kids dress and think to myself: a) that style of clothing is fugly b) I can't believe their parents let them dress that way and c) the kids talk about needing to express their individuality and yet they all look the same.
- When I was little, it was a big deal to get something in the mail. Now I realize it's either junk mail or bills to pay.
- I used to be an idealistic liberal Democrat. I still lean that way but I've become much more of an Independent. I've become more in tune with the politics of politics and how both parties are a bunch of crooks.
- As I've grown older, my farts have become smellier. They've also become a good indicator of what I had to eat a couple meals ago.
- I'M GETTING FAT!!! My previous metabolism of a hummingbird is becoming more like the metabolism of a sloth. Now I gotta worry about eating right (whatever THAT is).
I'll add some more later. Feel free to add your own observations about growing older.
I say that people better complain at you about this because they complain when I say I'm old and I'm OLDER than you! :-p
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